Frequently Asked Questions

If you have further questions in addition to the ones outlined below, please contact our Kinross Wolaroi School Admission Team. We also welcome questions about our enrolment process and our scholarships and bursaries. Please contact our Admissions Department via phone: 02 6392 0300 or email:; alternatively, please fill out the enrolment enquiry form located at the bottom of this page. 

What is my legal relationship with Kinross Wolaroi School?

By signing the enrolment documentation you are entering into a contract with the School which is binding and enforceable like any other contract.

What are the terms of the contract?

The documents comprising the contract are:

  • The Application for Enrolment
  • The Waiting Place Offer
  • The Enrolment Agreement
  • The Letter of Offer
  • The Terms of Business

The terms of the contract are detailed in those documents. From time to time the Terms of Business may be amended. When this occurs we will notify the change in advance on our website.

Are there any other documents which regulate our relationship with the school?

In addition to the terms of the contract, the student and parents must abide by the Rules of the School. The Rules are as set out in the student diary and on our website. From time to time the Rules of the School may be amended. When this occurs we will notify the change in advance on our website.

Can we terminate the contract with the school?

Yes, at any time, subject to compliance with the notice requirements and the payment of any fees due.

Can the school terminate the contract with us?

Yes, but only in certain circumstances. These include the failure to abide by the Conditions of Enrolment or the Terms of Business or as a result of a breach of the Rules of the School.

What are the fees and when are they payable?

The amount of the fees and the due dates for payment are specified in the Terms of Business that has been included in your information package. The new fee schedule for each year is published and distributed to families prior to the new school year.

Who is liable to pay the fees?

By signing the Enrolment Agreement the parents/guardians are agreeing to pay the school fees. If the fees are to be paid by some other person (for example, grandparents or another relative) those persons should also sign the Enrolment Agreement.

What if our family circumstances change?

A change in the family situation does not automatically change the legal relationship with the school. Should you have a change in family circumstances, including a change of address or if a student would like to move from day to boarding, you need to complete the “Request for amendment to enrolment status” which can be found on the KWS website. This form also requires you to re-sign the KWS enrolment terms and needs to be signed by all relevant parties.

If you have a change of circumstances which impacts on who pays the school fees or how they are to be paid, you should discuss this change with the Business Manager as soon as possible. It is important to note that until the School has agreed a change in arrangements for the payment of school fees, or relevant court orders have been provided to the School, the arrangements agreed to in the Enrolment Agreement remain in place.

A unilateral declaration of a change in arrangements by one fee payer is not accepted by the School.

What if we need to or have to remove the student from the school?

As is normal practice with non-government schools, at least one term’s notice in writing is required before the student is removed from the school. If such notice is not given, a fee equivalent to one term’s notice is payable in lieu of the required notice. As an example, if it is your intention to withdraw your child from the School at the end of Term 4, written notice must be received (and receipt acknowledged) by the Principal (or his delegate) no later than the last day of academic classes in Term 3 of that year.

Why does the school require a term’s notice or payment of fees in lieu of notice?

Like any business, the school must manage budgets, cash flow and day to day operations. The school makes a number of plans and arrangements based on its enrolments from year to year and from term to term. These include practical arrangements relating to class sizes, timetabling and resource allocation and commercial arrangements such as the employment of teachers and other staff. These arrangements cannot easily be changed on short notice. The requirement for adequate notice or the payment of fees in lieu allows the school to meet its commitments and continue to offer the high level of service towards students.

What if I have any questions or concerns about the enrolment documents or business arrangements with the school?

If you have any questions you wish to discuss you can make an appointment with the Business Manager.

If you have any concerns about the contractual and business arrangements you should clarify those issues prior to entering into the contract with the school. It is not generally possible to vary those arrangements after the contract has been commenced.

Rules relating to the Waiting-Place Deposit

The Waiting Place Deposit provides confirmation of your intention to progress an enrolment at Kinross Wolaroi School. The deposit does not guarantee you a place at the School.

The deposit is only refunded when the School, for any reason, is unable to offer the student an enrolment.

Once an offer of placement has been made the deposit will be forfeited if you decide not to accept the place.

When an offer of enrolment is made, a further “confirmation fee” becomes payable. This fee combines with the Waiting Place Deposit to become the non-refundable “Enrolment Fee”.

Sibling Discounts

In recognition of the heavy financial burden on families with several children from the same household attending the School, sibling discounts are granted on the following basis:

On Day Tuition Fees
10% fee concession for the 2nd child
35% fee concession for the 3rd child
50% fee concession for the 4th and subsequent child

On Boarding /Fees
10% fee concession on the Residential Component of Boarding Fees for the 2nd child
35% fee concession on the Residential Component of Boarding Fees for the 3rd child
50% fee concession on the Residential Component of Boarding Fees for the 4th child and subsequent child

Sibling concessions are calculated on the number of children from the same household who are attending the school at the same time.

Sibling discounts are not applied if the student is the recipient of a Scholarship or Bursary. However, discounts may continue to apply to other children from the same household as a Scholarship or Bursary recipient.

Additional costs

All compulsory components of the education program are covered by the tuition fees and associated levies and charges published at the beginning of the year.

Additional charges may be incurred for non-compulsory activities and events. These charges are advised to families in advance.

Additional information can be obtained from the Admissions Office.


Scholarships are awarded in the following categories:

  • Academic Scholarship
  • Boarding Bursary & Kinross Wolaroi Foundation All-rounder Boarding Bursary
  • Music Scholarship & Crescendo Music Scholarship
  • Ex-Students' Scholarship

To be considered for a Scholarship, all applicants must sit the Academic Scholarship Examination which is held on site at Kinross Wolaroi School. Applicants must also complete an online application and submit supporting documentation as outlined in the guidelines.

Financial Assistance Grants

In certain limited circumstances the school offers Financial Assistance Grants to families requiring financial support while their child/children are enrolled at the School. Assistance is generally directed towards families who are facing significant challenges and where help from the School is a last-resort option.

Applications for financial assistance are considered on a case-by-case basis and are subject to a formal application process.

Offers of enrolment for a supported enrolment (that is, one that has bursarial assistance attached to it) are made at the discretion of the School. Any such offer is subject to vacancies being available following the consideration of all offers of enrolment for full fee paying enrolments.

General advice only

This document does not form part of your contractual arrangements with the school and is intended only to address queries you may have.