Junior School Curriculum
Enhanced Learning
Literacy & Numeracy
It is for good reason that the Junior School recently achieved status as one of the top performing primary schools in the region for its five year average on NAPLAN. With a focus on data analysis across both individual students and cohorts, the school implements tailored learning across the curriculum.
Individualised Teaching
With average Junior School class sizes of 20 students, our teachers have the time and capability to modify daily learning tasks to accommodate the specific needs of their students; small adjustments that can make a big difference.
Learning Enhancement
Personalised learning enhancement support from a full-time educator and in-class support staff ensures that whether a student requires tailored programs to improve performance or to extend extra challenge, individual attention is available. The school also supports speech and language by providing access to a speech therapist during class times. Programs such as these provide invaluable support to the families of students who need these extras invested in their early learning – with a big payoff as they progress through their later years of schooling.
With a focus on the whole child, the UR Strong program reinforces inclusive social behaviour amongst our students. It is part of larger wellbeing philosophy that seeks to create a sense of belonging in the classroom and among peers.
Parent Education
Across all of our key programs for students, we make the time to also educate our parents – whether it be our literacy and numeracy programs or wellbeing strategies, by including and educating parents through face-to-face seminars and online workshops we ensure that you have a thorough understanding of what happens at school.
French is our Junior School language because it is one of the world’s fastest-growing languages and one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Through its contributions to history, art, music and more, speaking French opens up new learning opportunities. It is an easy language to learn for English-speaking students but also opens the door to learning other languages. Since children can learn French reasonably quickly and easily, it’s a great way to boost young learners' confidence. French is taught from Year 3 and can be continued through to Year 12.
As identified by the NSW Board of Studies, the six identified Key Learning Areas for Kindergarten to Year 6 include:
Learning with technology
The 1:1 Device Program
Our students are surrounded by technology and for this reason it is not remarkable to them. They have never known or will know a world without technology. For this generation technology is about more than mere devices. It is about complex instruments and procedures such as programming languages and simulators.
At Kinross Wolaroi School we believe the use of computers, technology, iPads, print facilities and the internet is an integral part of the learning process. All students from Pre-Kinder to Year 6 engage in weekly lessons and have regular access to School-owned devices, networks and systems, being taught specific understandings as to what the action of a responsible digital citizen looks like. Students can take their learning beyond the classroom through engagement in lunch and after School activities and holiday coding camps.