Technologies assisting learning
Learning Through Technology
The use of digital devices and online services is integral to enhancing our students' learning experiences, wellbeing, and educational success. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is recognised as a key capability for successful learners.
Technology supports the development of essential skills such as digital literacy, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, interpersonal relationships, and collaboration. However, as important as technology is as a tool for assisting and enhancing learning, we believe that it should not drive learning.
Junior School ICT Devices
In our Junior School, students are provided with digital devices according to their year level to support their learning, as below:
- Pre-Kinder: 1-to-2 iPads for group work
- Kindergarten: 1-to-2 iPads
- Years 1 & 2: 1-to-1 iPads
- Year 3: 1-to-2 laptops
- Years 4, 5 & 6: 1-to-1 laptops
All devices are leased for school use and remain on campus. Additional iPads and laptops are available for use by all Junior School students, and maintenance and repairs are covered by the Junior School Technology charge. All students also have access to shared resources such as iPads and laptops in 'Area 51.'
Senior School 1:1 Devices
For Senior School students, families can either purchase their own laptop or participate in the School’s Supported Laptop Program. This provides additional technical support and a temporary replacement laptop if needed.
The Supported Laptop Program
Students in the Supported Laptop program are provided with a laptop which meets all the required specifications and comes prepared with all required software, fully installed. Full support is provided for these devices, which includes software and hardware support as well as a hot swap device if issues require longer servicing. This option is highly recommended for Year 7 students and for all boarders. For questions regarding the Supported Laptop Program, please contact support@kws.nsw.edu.au.
Bring Your Own Laptop - Specifications
Before opting to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), please read the BYOD policy.
Supported laptops purchased through the school meet all required specifications. Any laptops brought from outside must meet minimum specifications, including:
- Operating System: Windows 10 (2004 or newer) or Mac OS Mojave
- Storage: Minimum 256GB solid state hard drive (SSD)
- RAM: 8GB minimum (for Textiles, Visual Arts, ICT students 16GB minimum and dedicated graphics card)
- Wireless Capabilities: Must be capable of connecting to 5Ghz wireless networks
- Software: The school provides the following to ALL students FREE OF CHARGE
- Anti-virus
- Cyber Safety Software
- Microsoft 365 (including office desktop applications)
- Adobe Creative Cloud (if required)
- Accessories: Protective case, earphones and a USB/wireless mouse
- Battery Life: A minimum of 8 hours battery life
- Warranty: 3 years of warranty (accidental damage protection strongly recommended)
Mobile Phones and Smartwatches
According to our Mobile Phone and Smartwatch Policy, students are not permitted to use these devices during class unless specifically allowed by their teacher. Unauthorised use may result in the device being confiscated.
ICT Support Services
Our ICT support desk is available from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on school days, with reduced hours during school holidays. Students with supported laptops receive comprehensive assistance, including troubleshooting and temporary replacements if necessary. Those with unsupported laptops will receive brief support for minor issues, with further follow-up directed to parents if needed. Students are expected to arrive with fully charged laptops each day, as charging facilities are limited and not available during lesson time.
The Hub
The Hub is a central platform providing personalised access to your child's timetable, reports, and other school information, including updates, co-curricular details, and messages related to your child.