Educational Support
Empowering Student Learning
Learning Support
The Learning Enhancement Team (LET) aims to identify students with learning difficulties and by working with teachers seeks to enable students to participate in and benefit from the classroom learning experience.
Support comes in various forms and is organised and monitored by the Head the Learning Enhancement. Some of the support includes Study Hub, the development of individual learning plans, modified learning programs, additional literacy and numeracy support, organisational assistance, and Disability Provisions for examinations.
The overall aim of the Learning Enhancement Team is to encourage all students to enjoy the learning process, take pride in their work, set fulfilling goals and make real progress towards those goals.

Focused and supported environment
Study hub
Homework and study are key components to student life and sometimes finding the time and best way to do these is difficult. To assist students in this undertaking, the LET offers Study Hub for Years 7-12.
This offering provides a supervised study environment where students can work independently or collaboratively and seek assistance from the LET with regards to their homework, assignments and revision. The idea is to enable students to get organised, complete homework, compile study notes, ask questions and draft responses, all in a quiet, focused and supported environment.