Day Student Houses

Senior School

On enrolment at Kinross Wolaroi School, students are allocated to one of eight Day Houses. Day Houses play a pivotal role in a student’s school life, both day to day and over the course of their time at the School.

Day Houses form the basis for student welfare, pastoral care and behaviour management within the school, and issues that may arise should be discussed with a student’s Mentor as the first point of contact for such issues. Each year group is divided into eight Day Groups – with an allocated Mentor who will oversee a student’s day-to-day welfare and remain with them as they progress from year to year. Each House has a Head of Day House with an office in the House area, and has student leaders elected by House members.

Additionally, there is a Year 7 Coordinator who assists students with their transition from Primary to Secondary School. There is also a Year 12 Coordinator who assists students with their preparation for the HSC and transition into tertiary study or the world of work.

Each Day House has a designated area for students that houses their locker, where school bags and sporting equipment may be stored during the school day. Security locks are provided and students are encouraged to make use of these. Year 7 start the year with lockers in a common locker area (Science Block) together with the Year 7 Coordinator’s office.

Twice a week, students meet for Wellbeing time. During Wellbeing time, students gather in an allocated room with their Mentor to have the roll marked and notices given. Other activities occur at the Mentor’s discretion and may include reading, group discussions, fund-raising and rehearsals. It is also an opportunity for students to speak with their Mentor regarding any concerns they may have. The Student Diary will be checked regularly by the Mentor or Head of Day House, and Mentors will discuss behaviour issues with students where necessary.

Students represent their Day House at sporting carnivals, House Spectacular, special lunches, manning stalls at the KWS Day and other events. It is via the Day House that a student can be allocated citizenship and academic points, and Merit Certificates are awarded at House meetings. A great sense of pride and loyalty is generated within Houses, offering a sense of belonging while encouraging healthy competition.

The Day Houses are:

  • Brown House
  • Blackman House
  • Dean House
  • Douglas House
  • Gordon House
  • McLachlan House
  • Richards House
  • Williams House


Junior School

All children are assigned to a Day House when they begin at Kinross Wolaroi School. House competition is fun, but intense, with points being awarded not only at major sports carnivals, but for class work, House certificates and school activities as well.

The Houses in the Junior School are:

  • Brown House
  • Gordon House
  • Douglas House
  • McLachlan House